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Uncontrolled and unregulated vehicular movement in Mining areas can often prove to be an expensive bottleneck and a logistical nightmare that directly affects the operations in the form of reduced rate of mineral dispatch. To streamline the traffic movement along with maintaining a steady and swifter rate of dispatch, we have designed “Entry-Exit Management/Parking Management”. This system, which enables management of vehicle entry with digitally generated slip and vehicle exit via web portal, is best suited for mid to large-scale mining undertakings. The system also offers additional functionalities like RFID enabled parking yard operations, parking capacity management, and an intuitive & integrated management of vehicular movement including their real time visibility.



Features and USP

How it Works
How it Works
How it Works

<p>Parking lot management and vehicle movement in and out of mining stockyard helps decongest traffic, facilitating smooth movement</p>

<p>RFID tagging of vehicle as part of Parking Out module eases capturing of vehicle data at any point</p>

<p>Assigning vehicle to permit generated from Mineral Management</p>

How it Works
How it Works
How it Works

Common Use Cases